The first picture is of my friend’s cat, Charlie, and the second picture is of some Easter Jelly Beans. Jelly Beans are one of my all time favorite candies and oddly, Charlie likes them too. I found this out when I accidently dropped one on the floor; he sniffed it, and then ate it. I doubt candy is good for the cat so I did not feed the cat too many (only three beans in total). Just a side note- Charlie is pretty old, I think he is probably fourteen or fifteen years old but he looks and still acts like a juvenile, frisky feline. Luckily, the cat was still acting fine after consumption and it was lucky for me that no one saw me feed the cat. Lastly, Charlie did not ever really search for the container of Jelly Beans on the table after I fed him. It probably is a good thing that I did not cause the cat to develop a bad eating habit. I just found it really amusing that a cat eats Jelly Beans so I just wanted to show some people of this comical discovery. Actually, in the picture with Charlie, Charlie is eating a Jelly Bean but I do not think you can tell from the picture. So these pictures were not meant to be art, just something for laughs.
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