No, this is not a picture of my new car, nor is it a picture of my car. I do not even own a car. This is a picture of my neighbor’s car that just has a whole ton of pollen on it. My left eye has been irritated for the last several days and it’s either because I have an eye infection or because all of this plant sperm is getting into my eye. I would rather the irritation being caused by all of the pollen getting into my eyes than me having an infection because then I have to go to the doctor. I am not scared of the doctor or anything, it’s just a pain to have to go there and wait three hours in the lobby to be seen. Then you have to get medicine and drive back home. However, my eye bothers me even when I am inside, so I am not sure exactly what the cause is. My eye does not look infected nor is it bloodshot so no need to put it on display. Just really annoyed that my eye has been bothering me and amazed at how much pollen is everywhere. Those pictures are of a black PT Cruiser, from a distance, the car looks like a shade of gray and yellow. The pictures were not made to be art, just a reference to show how much pollen is out there and give me an idea for what the cause of my eye irritation is.
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